Never buy artwork simply because it matches your sofa or fills a wall — better a bare spot than an ill-judged picture. Art should lift your spirits, provoke thought, take you places or create a reason to pause and enjoy. Art is personal, so seek out what reflects you. Collect artworks individually, not in job lots. They needn’t be museum-worthy; there’s a world of choice when it comes to quality prints, professional and family photographs, wall hangings, kids’ art, gifts from artistic friends and your own efforts.

If you hang a stunning piece of art above a surface where you’d also like to show off other items, learn the art of the vignette. A simple trick is to hang the art low enough to be a cohesive part of the display, not an unrelated extra that hovers above it.

A striking wallpaper with a complex pattern makes a strong impact, but it also could throw off the balance in a room. Find images on websites of rooms using the same pattern to see its dominant lines and colors, how it repeats and how it reacts to various light strengths and directions. Get the largest sample you can — ask if you can buy a roll or half roll and have the cost credited if you purchase more. It’s an investment in a regret-free decision.
Enjoy the vitality of a big, bold pattern. If you fall in love with a wallpaper, make it the touchstone for the room’s decor.

Tip: Keep a swatch file of all the fabrics you use in your home. It’ll come in handy when you shop for other items that will sit in the same space.

Testing a paint color sometimes takes longer than applying the paint. Don’t begrudge this time, because patience pays off. Experts advise that you should always test on the intended walls in the intended room. The surface texture of a wall is different from that of a sample sheet. Apply two coats and always use a primer coat when working with strong colors, then do test patches on every wall that’s to be painted.

High-end furniture doesn’t automatically make a room beautiful, but keep in mind the adage that “something cheap is eventually expensive.” A poorly made, low-priced item will show its true colors sooner than you’d like, leaving you with a nonreturnable lemon. Always buy the best you can afford.
Tip: If you’re on the fence, calculate the cost of an unremarkable bargain-priced item plus the replacement cost for when it gives up the ghost. Then decide if you’d rather buy one quality standout piece that you’ll adore and use for years. A modern classic such as a genuine tribal rug or a luxurious sofa is a beautiful investment that will lift a room to stylish heights.

Even if you love a particular style, copying it down to the last detail leads to an unimaginative result. Designer Anne Ellard calls it the catalog look and says, “I prefer a natural, eclectic look that incorporates different styles and pieces from different eras.” Don’t be shy about crossing style boundaries — you want your home to look lived-in and welcoming, not dauntingly styled.

“Measure twice, cut once” is timeless advice. An often-neglected measurement is the arm height of dining chairs: Don’t buy chairs without it. Check the height against your tabletop if space is tight and chairs have to be tucked under when not in use. Having them protruding into a high-traffic space impedes movement around the table. In this situation, the best option may be going with armless ones.
Tip: Something I learned the hard way: Check the seat height if buying vintage chairs, as some are lower than modern ones and make an uncomfortable fit with a modern table.

DIY delusion is a common ailment. Be realistic about your capabilities. “If I sanded that back and painted it and changed the knobs and shortened the legs, it would be just perfect,” you might say. But maybe you won’t. Maybe it will just sit in the garage because you realize you don’t have the skills — or tools — for the job. Unless you are handy at serious alterations, keep looking and practice patience until that ideal piece comes along.

Don’t detract from a fabulous pendant light or chandelier with an awkward hanging height. It’s easy to get it wrong over a dining table: Allow a minimum of 32 inches between the light base and the tabletop, or it will visually intrude between diners. A general rule is about 5 feet between the light base and the floor. To avoid errors, consult a lighting designer, as other factors like ceiling height, strength of light sources, size of shades and chain length affect calculations. This designer who added the warm metallic trio here got it right.
Tip: Ask to have the light illuminated in a dark room so you can see how it looks at night and check the spread of light. Some lighting stores have a cubicle for this purpose.

In the excitement of unwrapping and setting up a new appliance or piece of furniture, most of us have been guilty of discarding warranty details. Things break. Keep a warranty file and receipts, and clarify warranty details for big-ticket items.
Lack of confidence leads to indecision, which leads to timid choices. Don’t end up with decor so middle-of-the-road it says absolutely nothing about you. Instead, stand up and express yourself. That comfort zone you’ve been sheltering in could be stifling the real you. Step into the design ring — there’s lots happening in there.